Set Up Caves


This article assumes that you know how to access a server with SFTP, edit a text file, unzip files, and other server administration skills.

Prepare the Files

  1. Go here:
  2. At the KLEI website, fill in Cluster Name with whatever you want then click on ADD NEW SERVER
  3. Also at the KLEI website, click on Configure Server, fill in the blanks, and then click on DOWNLOAD SETTINGS.
  4. Unzip the file you downloaded. There should now be a folder called MyDediServer. Inside that folder are some folders and files.

Setup the Servers

  1. Create two Don't Starve servers: One for Overworld and one for Caves. Start both servers once so the .klei folders are created.
  2. Upload the cluster.ini and cluster_token.txt files to the following folder on BOTH servers: /dont-starve-together/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/
  3. Upload the worldgenoverride.lua file from the Caves folder to this folder on the Caves server: /dont-starve-together/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/Master/


To see hidden files and folders, such as ".klei" for Don't Starve, Click on Options > Preferences. Inside of the Preferences window, click on the Panels section and select Show hidden files (Ctrl-Alt-H).

Configure the Servers

  1. Go to Command Center for your Overworld server and click on Port Forwarding on the left.
  2. Forward a port using these settings and then click on Add Port:
    • Port Type: Other
    • Original Port: 11001
    • Port Range: 0
    • Protocol UDP
    • One to One: Unchecked
  3. Make note of the new Public Port to the left of the 11001 Private Port
  4. Click on the Files tab for your Overworld server and navigate to /dont-starve-together/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/
  5. Click to edit cluster.ini and edit the following section:
    shard_enabled = true
    bind_ip =
    master_ip = 123.456.789.012 (Use your ip for your Overworld server here)
    master_port = 11001 (Use this port.)
    cluster_key = supersecretkey (leave this to whatever is already there that you downloaded earlier)
    is_master = true (add this)
  6. Click on the Files tab for your Caves server and navigate to /dont-starve-together/.klei/DoNotStarveTogether/Cluster_1/
  7. Click to edit cluster.ini and edit the following section:
    shard_enabled = true
    bind_ip =
    master_ip = 123.456.789.012 (Use your ip for your Overworld server here)
    master_port = 45055 (Use the port you got from step 10 here.)
    cluster_key = supersecretkey (leave this to whatever is already there that you downloaded earlier)
    is_master = false (add this)

Start the Servers

  1. Start your Overworld server and wait about 2 minutes. Start your Caves server.
  2. Enjoy your game!

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