Install Magma

Magma is another way to install CraftBukkit and Spigot plugins onto a Minecraft Forge server and with Forge modpacks. Mohist can be installed for Minecraft Forge 1.12.2 and higher. This guide assumes that you have already created a server in Command Center.

  1. Login to your Minecraft server SFTP and open the game folder.
  2. Download Magma. Make sure to download the Magma server jar.
  3. Upload the Magma server jar to your server inside the game folder.
  4. In Command Center, click the gear icon and go to Game Update. Under Custom JAR, select the Magma server jar, install it, and (re)start your server.
  5. You should be good to go!


Note that Magma is experimental software. You may encounter bugs and issues that you wouldn't have without installing Magma. To learn more about existing bugs or to report one, check their GitHub Issues.