Getting Started with Akliz Hosting
"Does this page help you?" and "Suggest Edits"
We are constantly updating this knowledgebase to keep up with the latest information. We will gladly take any feedback you provide. Use the "Does this page help you?" link at the bottom, and "Suggest Edits" at the top right of every article to do so. We check those every day. We thank you for, and value, your input!
⯁ Purchase an Account
To get started with Akliz Hosting, the first thing you’re going to need is a Command Center account. You get access to one when you purchase hosting from us. Make sure to check your email afterwards for instructions on how to create your Command Center account. See this article if you haven’t received your email soon after purchase. If you ever need to upgrade your server you can do so here.
⯁ Create a Server
Once you’re set up with an account, you’re going to want to create a server. It’s truly as simple as that to get started.
⯁ Games
Following are the games we support. Click on the title to learn more about getting started with each game:
Game | Witty Quip | |
7 Days to Die | Why not call it "A Week to Die?" | Create a Server |
ARK: Survival Evolved | Tame two of everything! | Create a Server |
Arma 3 | A military simulator without the red tape. | Create a Server |
CounterStrike: Source | The original terrorist hunt. | Create a Server |
Conan Exiles | Can you survive the brutal lands of Conan? | Create a Server |
Core Keeper | Endless Caverns of Creatures and relics | Create a Server |
Don't Starve Together | Food seems important here. | Create a Server |
Eco | A crafting game and political simulator. | Create a Server |
Factorio | Automate everything! | Create a Server |
Garry's Mod | Trouble in Prop Hunt Town! | Create a Server |
Insurgency | Realistic military shooter. | Create a Server |
Insurgency: Sandstorm | Realistic military shooter: Now with more sand! | Create a Server |
Killing Floor 2 | This floor has teeth. | Create a Server |
Left 4 Dead | Boom! Splat! | Create a Server |
Left 4 Dead 2 | Boom! Boom! Splat! Splat! | Create a Server |
Minecraft | Punch wood. | Create a Server |
Minecraft Bedrock | Punch wood everywhere! | Create a Server |
Palworld | Find Pals everywhere! | Create a Server |
Project Zomboid | Isometric zombies and garbage bags. | Create a Server |
Rust | Survival and hot air balloons! | Create a Server |
Satisfactory | Automate everything in 3D! | Create a Server |
Starbound | 2D crafting in spaaaaaace! | Create a Server |
StarMade | 3D crafting in spaaaaaace! | Create a Server |
Team Fortress 2 | It's always the spy. | Create a Server |
Terraria | 2D crafting. | Create a Server |
V Rising | A bloody good time! | Create a Server |
Valheim | Disresepect the Elder! | Create a Server |
Vintage Story | This isn't Minecraft? | Create a Server |
⯁ Support and Billing
Our support team is available from 11 AM to 11 PM Eastern Time. You can contact us and submit a ticket anytime and we will answer you as soon as we can during business hours.
Updated about 1 month ago