Set 7 Days to Die Server Admins

Configure Your Server Admins

  1. Start the server and let the configs load. Once the Saves folder pops up you should see your serveradmin.xml

  1. Look up the Steam64 id using a tool like this:

  2. Open serveradmin.xml by clicking on it and look for the following between these tags: <users></users>

<!-- <user steamID="76561198021925107" name="Hint on who this user is" permission_level="0" /> -->
<!-- <group steamID="103582791434672565" name="Steam Universe" permission_level_default="1000" permission_level_mod="0" /> -->
  1. Add a line that includes your own steamID, a name, and the permission_level you want (Most admins use 0). You will also want to remove the comment tags: <!-- and -->
<!-- <user steamID="76561198021925107" name="Hint on who this user is" permission_level="0" /> -->
<!-- <group steamID="103582791434672565" name="Steam Universe" permission_level_default="1000" permission_level_mod="0" /> -->
<user steamID="1234567890122333454" name="AmazingAdmin" permission_level="0" />
  1. Save the file and restart your server.


Test Your Change

When logged into your game you should see a star next to your name in the players tab if everything is correct.

Common Admin Commands and Shortcuts

Hit F1 to bring up the in game console.

F1 Console CommandsBrief Description
dmDebug mode allows you to enter god mode, teleport to POIs
cmallows player to go into creative mode
Keyboard Shortcuts
QIf the player has dm on it allows them to enter god mode.
UIf player has cm on it allows them to pull up the creative menu tab
HToggle fly mode. You can fly with Space bar to go up c to go down in elevation.
Num/DivideAllows player to go into invisible mode.
F6Entity Spawner menu
F3Debug menu