Configure Permissions and Player Ranks using Essentials GroupManager


This article is archived. The information provided here does not apply to present day servers and links on this page may be dead. The information is being provided for posterity.


In our opinion, the easiest way to create player ranks is with Essentials GroupManager. Essentials GroupManager includes built-in ranks: Default, Builder, Moderator, Admin, and Owner. A player starts off as Default, with no building privileges (it’s configurable though). Promoting the player through different ranks gives him or her ability to run more commands on the server.

Install Essentials GroupManager


Installation is the same as installing any CraftBukkit plugin. Detailed directions are at:

View available groups

Run /listgroups to view available groups.

View Group Permissions

It’s important to be aware of the permissions allowed in a group. /manglistp group shows of the permissions for a particular group.

Add/Delete a Permission to/from a Group

When you add a plugin to your server, you may wish to make available some of the commands of the plugin to a particular group. Refer to the plugin’s documentation to determine the appropriate permissions nodes to add. Use the commands below to add and delete permissions nodes.

/mangaddp groupname permissions.node
/mangdelp groupname permissions.node

Promote Player to Specific Group

/manpromote playername group, where group is one of the available groups.

Demote Player

/mandemote playername group

Configure Default Group for New Players

  1. Log in to Command Center. From your server list, find the server you want to modify, and click the Manage button on the right. From the server you selected, click on the Files tab above the console.
  2. Open /[game folder]/plugins/GroupManager/worlds/[world name]/groups.yml

Find the following:

    default: true

Change it to:

    default: false

Underneath the group that you wish to set as the new default, change default: false to default: true.

For example:

    default: true
  1. Save the file.
  2. Run /manload to reload the file.


It’s important to run /manload each time after you edit a GroupManager .yml file; otherwise GroupManager will overwrite your changes when you run one of its commands or restart your server.

Useful References